Monday, August 6, 2007

Franklin is a Baller(-ina)

Not Happy.
I figure certain someones would like their dog bridesmaid dresses done soon. Don't worry, I've started the actual construction of the aforementioned dresses. I'm sizing them with Velcro (TM) so that they fit around a wide variety of dog bodies. Franklin is pissed...


Anonymous said...

Franklin the baller! Ha!!
Does he not realize cross dressing is all the rage!
By the way, my daughter sleeps with the sock monkey you made me. And she's 14.

Stampindamour said...



Das Teckelfrau. said...

I have a hypothesis about Franklin's humping problem. Because you are dressing him like a woman, he feels an overwhelming need to assert his manhood... By humping Rita. And/or himself. Get that boy in a suit and tie and he'll stop!