Monday, April 7, 2008


When we were little, my cousins and I were into monkeys. Like, hardcore into monkeys. It was one of those times when a casual interest kind of turned into thinking and talking about monkeys all. the. time. Yeah, we were weird kids.

Anyway, one morning we got up and started farting around with the computer. Actually, I think we were writing a town newspaper for our other burning obsession, Playmobil.

We were using the microphone and sound recorder to try and say "monkey...," backwards. Then, we would reverse the track and play our recording the other way and see how close we'd come to getting the inflection and pronunciation correct.







It was only after about 30 minutes of this that it occurred to us to say the word forwards, then play the track backwards to see how it sounded. Duh.
In other news, I've encountered my first little copyright-infringement issue. I'm fairly sure that my inaction as far as watermarking my photos and issuing a copyright statement led to a little bit of heartache for all parties involved. Meh.


Jane said...

That's so funny! My little cousins were that kind of into dinosaurs. I think everyone would rather hear about mon-keeys!

Home said...

"Don't go in there"


"Bad monkey."

Laura, I've discovered your blog. I enjoy it thoroughly. When I was in Germany, I saw playmobil everywhere.

Dug said...

i actually have tried recording songs using this method. it's something i've come back to again and again.

also david lynch used it in twin peaks ... great show.